Is there a way to reset a value back to its original user agent default?

When utilizing the initial value, I have the ability to designate an element's CSS property to its initial value per the specification.

However, there are instances where I may prefer to set a CSS property to its initial user agent value instead.

For instance, the appearance property of a select element can differ based on the operating system being used. While its default value is none, it is commonly changed to menulist by the user agent stylesheet, particularly in desktop browsers.

So, if I wish to revert a select element to its default user agent value, how can this be achieved? Ideally, I would simply remove any overriding rules, but this may not always be feasible (such as in a WordPress theme or when utilizing a third-party library).

For a visual representation, refer to the example below:

A default select element

<select id="select1">
<option>appearance: initial;</option>

<select id="select2">
<option>appearance: unset;</option>

<select id="select3">
<option>appearance: revert;</option>

<select id="select4">
<option>apperance: inherit;</option>


  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  padding: 10px;

    -webkit-appearance: initial;
    -moz-appearance: initial;
    appearance: initial;

    -webkit-appearance: unset;
    -moz-appearance: unset;
    appearance: unset;

    -webkit-appearance: revert;
    -moz-appearance: revert;
    appearance: revert;

    -webkit-appearance: inherit;
    -moz-appearance: inherit;
    appearance: inherit;

Answer №1

If you ever need to return a property to its original state as defined in the user agent stylesheet, simply utilize the revert value.

MDN explains the concept of revert as follows:

it resets the property to its inherited value if it inherits from its parent or to the default value established by the user agent's stylesheet.

Although the revert value is relatively new, it has gained substantial support. As per caniuse, over 93% of users have access to web browsers that can handle it, making it a viable option for modern websites.

However, for compatibility with older browsers, ensure that your web page remains functional even when the revert rule is not activated. You can achieve this by temporarily commenting it out or deactivating it using the browser's developer tools.

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