Is there a way to prevent a span from appearing at the end of a line?

Imagine a scenario where I have a paragraph with various span elements that are styled using classes. What if there are numbers interspersed within the text for easy reference, and I want to ensure they do not end up at the end of a line?

For example:

1 This is some text that
wraps. 2 I don't want any
of these numbers 3 to end
up at the end of one of these
lines. For this example, 4
this number shouldn't be at
the end of the line.

Apologies if this explanation seems messy, but it's the best way I can convey my question. Each number is enclosed in its own span with a specific class. I am looking for a CSS solution to prevent them from being the last item on a line.

I initially thought about adjusting the margins of the number spans and the following text spans. However, I am seeking a more versatile solution that will work in all scenarios.

Thank you!

Answer №1

To ensure that numbers do not end up at the end of a line, you can insert a non-breaking space ( ) between the number and the first word. This will prompt the browser to wrap it with the following word. See this in action: (demo)

1 This is an example sentence where we use non-breaking spaces for demonstration purposes. 2 By inserting these characters in strategic places, we prevent awkward line breaks from occurring. 3 The text flows smoothly without any interruptions due to numerical figures. In this instance, 4 the numbers integrate seamlessly into the sentence structure.

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