My current challenge involves a container that contains an overflow of text, but I desire for the container to remain fixed. The dilemma arises when the text spills out from both the top and bottom edges of the container. Instead of using scroll bars within the container itself, I am seeking a solution where the main window's scroll bar controls the movement of text into view.
In essence, I want the container to be fixed in its position, yet have the window scroll bar account for the total length of the overflowing text, rather than just the height of the fixed container.
#text-container {
position: fixed;
height: 300px;
width: 400px;
background: cyan;
My goal is not to receive direct solutions, but rather to be guided in the right direction for solving this issue without resorting to overflow scroll bars. I envision a setup where the main window's scroll bar seamlessly moves the content into view as needed.