Utilizing Regular Expressions to remove specific CSS attributes from an HTML content

I'm facing a challenge with my telerik RadEditor where users can input HTML that gets saved to my database. While this usually works well, I encounter issues when the CSS attributes position: absolute; or z-index: 100; (any # for z-index) are present in the element's style attribute.

After exploring telerik options without success, I am seeking a Regex solution to remove these CSS properties in the code behind. The project is in VB.Net (I typically work in C#), adding to the complexity. Although I found an example on Stack Overflow, my requirements differ and crafting my own Regex poses a challenge...

The snippet I attempted so far seems ineffective:

Dim html As String = "<div style=""position: absolute; z-index: 6;"">a bunch of other html</div>"

html = Regex.Replace(html, "((?:position|z-index)(?:[^:]+):(?:\\s*))([^;]+)", "")

I'm unsure if it's a syntax error or if my approach is flawed...

Note that I need to eliminate these properties regardless of semicolon presence and allow for spaces between the colon. The following variations should be removed:

  • position: absolute;
  • position : absolute;
  • position: absolute
  • position : absolute
  • z-index: anyInt;
  • z-index : anyInt;
  • z-index: anyInt
  • z-index : anyInt

The key requirement is to remove all instances, not just the first one. Any guidance on resolving this issue would be highly valued!

Answer №1

My interpretation:

(?:position|z-index)[ ]*:[ ]*[^;]+;

This code snippet removes all instances of the properties "position" and "z-index."



Answer №2

Consider trying something similar to this example:

html = Regex.Replace(html, "(position|z-index)\\s*:\\s*(\\w|\\d)+\\s*;?", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

To replace all occurrences of the pattern, make sure to use RegexOptions.Multiline. The use of RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ensures that replacements are made regardless of letter case.

I hope this information proves helpful.

Answer №3

It appears that simplifying the code may be beneficial, focusing only on instances like "position:absolute" or "z-index:int" rather than also capturing other potential values for these attributes:

html = Regex.Replace(html, "((position\\s*:\\s*absolute;?)|(z-index\\s*:\\s*\\d+;?))", "")

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