Is there a way to incorporate pseudo-dynamic css into my projects?

I'm struggling with managing custom colored elements on my website.

For instance, I have a hundred navigation squares on the site, each with its own unique color. The only solution I can think of is creating separate CSS classes for each color, but that will result in an overwhelming amount of CSS code.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

*I've added JavaScript & JQuery tags as possible solutions to this issue

Update: Thank you for all the responses. To provide more context, I have square category navigation on my search page where colors can either come from the server side or be stored in client-side JS. I receive a list of categories from the server (each with an assigned color), and then I create all the squares. By default, they are white but change color on hover. Here's how I currently approach this:

<ul id="squares">
<li class="greencolor"></li>
<li class="redcolor"></li>
<li class="bluecolor"></li>

Using CSS:

#squares li.redcolor:hover{
#squares li.greencolor:hover{
#squares li.bluecolor:hover{

As you can see, this approach results in a lot of CSS code for 100 elements.

While I understand I could use a solution like this:

var colorsMap={'redcolor':'red','greencolor':'green'};     
$('#squares li').on('hover',function(e){

    $(this).css('background-color', colorsMap[$(this).attr('class')];


I don't find it elegant and prefer finding a way to handle this through CSS rather than inline JS changes.

Answer №1

It is suggested to utilize CSS for accomplishing this, but there exists a superior alternative to inline styling:

var selector = '#squares li'
  , css = []
  , style = document.createElement( 'style' )
  , colorsMap= {
      'redcolor': 'red',
      'greencolor': 'green',
      'bluecolor': 'blue'
$( selector ).each( function() {
  css.push( selector + 
            '.' + 
            // recommend using data-attr for storing color information
            // assuming `className == 'bluecolor'`
            this.className + 
            ':hover' +
            '{' +
            'background:' +
            colorsMap[ this.className ] +
style.textContent = css.join('')
document.head.appendChild( style )

By dynamically inserting CSS into <head>, you can still enjoy the advantages of standard CSS, demo.

Furthermore, you have the option to generate dynamic CSS files on the backend, making it easier to manage colors through a configuration form or other means.

Answer №2

Although my English skills are still a work in progress, I am dedicated to improving them. I may not fully comprehend your message, but it did bring to mind the concept of the chooser. While I can't be sure if this is what you intended, I believe it's worth exploring. Some examples include:

and more.
I won't delve into their specific roles, but I find them essential for learning and incredibly beneficial.

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