Is there a way to ensure consistent border thickness in a material-ui table layout?

In my current setup of a material UI table, I have applied a 1-pixel thickness to all elements. This leads to a slightly thicker appearance at the points where two cells meet compared to the outer edges.

How can I achieve a consistent border width of 1px all around?

<Table border={1}>
        <col style={{width:'12.5%'}} />
        <col style={{width:'12.5%'}} />
        <col style={{width:'50%'}} />
        <col style={{width:'25%'}} /> 

Answer №1

Using the 'border-collapse: collapse;' property can effectively resolve this issue.
This property determines whether table borders should merge into a single border or remain distinct as in regular HTML formatting. The border-collapse property allows for values such as separate, collapse, initial, and inherit. When set to 'Separate', each cell will have its own individual borders. On the other hand, setting it to 'Collapse' will cause borders to combine into a singular border when possible. For more information, refer to the specifics outlined at

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