Is there a way to enable hover action on an empty span element?

I am dealing with a situation where I have multiple spans, each with tooltips that should appear when the span is hovered over. However, there are times when a span may not contain any content, resulting in an area of white space that cannot trigger the tooltip when hovered over. This occurs because the span ends up being 0x0 pixels in size.

Given this scenario, is there a way to make the whitespace between the "|" symbols hoverable for the tooltips without adding additional space?

I attempted to address this by changing the display property of the spans to inline-block, which did maintain their order but they remained unresponsive to hovering unless I introduced a min-width and min-height attribute, consequently adding unwanted white space.

To better understand the issue, you can refer to this JSFiddle example -

<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" 
title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" 
title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" 
title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" 
title="Test Tip">

Answer №1

Perhaps you could try inserting a hidden text element with zero font size to create some additional spacing.

.interactive-field::after {
  content: "x";
  visibility: hidden;
  font-size: 0px

Answer №2

I experimented with a unique solution involving letter spacing and the :before pseudo element

You can view the comparison between the original version and my modified version at this link -

Steps taken:

1. Adjust letter spacing among elements



I introduced a parent element to decrease the letter spacing between elements while maintaining text legibility

2. Introduce a :before pseudo element


Currently, this includes a pseudo element for all spans. Use JavaScript to selectively apply pseudo elements to spans without any content.

Answer №3

Here's a clever way to utilize the flex model for your layout. By adjusting the container's width, you can achieve the desired look.

        selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]'
.span-area {
  background: #f0f;
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row nowrap;

.span-area span {
  display: inline-flex;
  width: 100%;
  flex-grow: 1;
  justify-content: center;
<div class="span-area">
  <span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Test Tip">
<span class="interactive-field" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Test Tip">

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