I am struggling to display all the data in each column without using ellipsis. The data is getting collapsed with the adjacent row. I need a way to show the entire content of each column, even if it's large. Unfortunately, I don't know the exact length of the text as it comes from the server. Can someone please advise on how to display all the column text correctly?
<div id="scrollingTable" ng-if="isservicedataloadedProperly">
<ion-scroll overflow-scroll="true" ng-style="viewHeight">
<div class="row brd rowclass" collection-repeat="column in tasklist_records track by $index" ng-class="{white:$index%2 == 0,grey:$index%2 == 1,firstrow:$first}" collection-item-height="40">
<div class="col brbrdleft_right dleft_right col-10 text-center"></div>
<div ng-if="!haveNorecordFound" class="norecordfoundcss"> No record found.</div>
I have already tried setting the height using CSS but nothing seems to work.
/* Styles go here */
.rowclass {
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.