What is the best way to extract information from an XML file using JQUERY and present it neatly in a table format

I am looking to populate a table with data from an XML file as shown below:

<th>Head 1</th><th>Head 2</th><th>Head 3</th>

All three columns of the table should be filled with unique data from the XML file. I have attempted this, but I can only see one data entry from the file instead of all rows being filled with distinct values. Also, once new XML files are added to the folder, the old XML data should be replaced entirely by the new XML data.

Below is the HTML and jQuery code snippets that I have implemented. HTML File

    <table class="status_table">
        <th class="table_heading">Heading 1</th>
        <th class="table_heading" style="text-align:center; padding:30px;">Heading 2</th>
        <th class="table_heading" style="text-align:center; padding:30px;">Heading 3</th>

jQuery File

$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="style2.css" type="text/css" />');

function fetch(){

function truckData(){
  url: "20200707083610.xml",
  dataType: "",
  success: function(data){

      var info = '<td class="table_content" style="color: #DB075C;">'+$(this).find("LaneName").text()+'<td class="table_content" style="color: #FFFF00;">'+$(this).find("PlateNumber").text()+'<td class="table_content" style="color: #3107DB;">'+$(this).find("BayName").text();


XML File

        <DisplayData displayPort="d-01">
            <LaneName>Lane 1</LaneName>
            <BayName>ABCD 1</BayName>
        <DisplayData displayPort="d-02">
            <LaneName>Lane 2</LaneName>
            <BayName>XYZA 0012</BayName>
        <DisplayData displayPort="d-03">
            <LaneName>Lane 3</LaneName>

Answer №1

If you want to add new rows to your table, consider using += instead of simply appending rows in the tr. It would be more efficient to use tbody and append trs within this tbody element. Additionally, remember to include dataType: "xml" in your ajax call if you are returning an xml file as a response.

Example Code:

// Sample XML data
var data = '<DisplayRequestData><DisplayData displayPort="d-01"><LaneName>Lane 1</LaneName><PlateNumber>7709</PlateNumber><BayName>ABCD 1</BayName> </DisplayData><DisplayData displayPort="d-02"><LaneName>Lane 2</LaneName><PlateNumber>5652</PlateNumber><BayName>XYZA 0012</BayName></DisplayData> <DisplayData displayPort="d-03"><LaneName>Lane 3</LaneName> <PlateNumber>XR-20398</PlateNumber> <BayName></BayName></DisplayData></DisplayRequestData>'
var info = "";
// Parse XML (not required if response is specified as XML)
$xml = $($.parseXML(data));
// Loop through the data
$xml.find("DisplayData").each(function() {
  // Append rows
  info += '<tr><td class="table_content" style="color: #DB075C;">' + $(this).find("LaneName").text() + '<td class="table_content" style="color: #FFFF00;">' + $(this).find("PlateNumber").text() + '<td class="table_content" style="color: #3107DB;">' + $(this).find("BayName").text() + '</tr>';
// Add rows inside tbody
$("table tbody").html(info);
LaneName PlateNumber BayName

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