Is there a way to divide text in one column and move it to another column on mobile and tablet devices?

Struggling with my bootstrap3 layout, I am attempting to shift content from one column to another on mobile and tablet screens. This adjustment is necessary so that the content appears under a specific heading or image in the adjacent column for optimal mobile user experience. The page's code is finalized, and now I am focused on enhancing the mobile display.

For a clearer idea of what I want to accomplish, please refer to this visual guide: Visual look

Currently, my plan involves duplicating the content and displaying it exclusively on mobile and tablet views while hiding the original column on these devices. However, I am concerned about potential performance issues due to increased page weight; does loading duplicated content affect mobile loading times? (I believe all content loads even when using @media queries.)

Do you think my approach is correct?

Even though the columns are not technically labeled as "col," Col-1 and Col-2 function similarly on larger screens. This portion of the grid structure illustrates the challenge I face regarding the two right columns displayed in the picture that need modification for mobile optimization.

<div class="row">

  <div class=col-md-8>
   All of the content from col-3 as per image

  <div class="col-md-4>
   All of the content from col-4 as per the image


Answer №1

Utilize multiple classes to adjust behavior based on screen size.

All the details can be found in the Bootstrap 3 grid section, but here is a sample setup for your scenario:

<div class="row">

  <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-12">
   Include all content from col-3 as shown in the image

  <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12">
   Incorporate all content from col-4 according to the image


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