The problem with floating labels

I have been attempting to incorporate the floatlabels feature from floatlabels, but I am encountering difficulties in getting it to work properly.

Here is the sequence of steps I have taken:

Firstly, I include the JS file

<script src="js/floatlabels.min.js"></script>

followed by the script itself


and then implement the label as shown below

<input type="text" id="test-input" placeholder="This is the placeholder" class="floatlabel">

.... however, despite following the instructions, nothing seems to be happening. Any ideas on why this may be occurring?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

Answer №1

Maybe it's best to wait for all content to load before executing any commands:

$(function() {

This way, when you run the command in the console, it will bind correctly and function as expected.

Answer №2

By simply including the following code inside $(document).ready, the functionality was successfully implemented:


Try it out on jsfiddle

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