Trouble with CSS Class Showing Up Only When Hovered

My goal is to make the .panel-text element visible only when a user hovers over the panel. I attempted to use the overlay CSS class, but I encountered issues where the text either wouldn't show at all or would always be displayed. Here is what I have tried:

.panel-text {
    display: none

.panel-overlay:hover .panel-text {
     display: block

However, the above code always hides .panel-text. Another approach I took is shown below:

.panel-text { opacity: 0; }

.panel-overlay:hover .panel-text { opacity: 1; }

I also experimented with using .panel-title and .panel-button.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as I have not been able to find a solution in other posts. We could even consider displaying an icon when .panel-text is hidden.

This is the desired outcome: Link

Answer №1

Here's the solution.

.section-text {
     display: none;

.section-overlay:hover .section-text {
     display: block;

Answer №2

After running into issues with using .panel-overlay, I discovered that trying the image wrapper was the solution. Using visibility or display did not work as expected. The CSS code below worked perfectly, replicating the example provided (link) except for the icon, which I will address later.

panel-text { opacity: 0; }

panel-mainimage-wrapper:hover .panel-text {opacity: 1; }

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