Unique background image for every individual page

For my mobile app development using Jquery Mobile, I have implemented a custom theme but now want to vary the background images for different sections. My current code looks like this:

.ui-page-theme-a .ui-panel-wrapper {
background: transparent !important;

background: url('images/bgimage.jpg') !important;
background-position:center center;
background-attachment:fixed !important;
background-size:100% 100% !important;

text-shadow: 0 0 0;

The issue is that the same background image displays on all pages.

How can I personalize each page to display a unique background image while still utilizing the same theme (in this case 'a')?

Answer №1

Assign a unique class to each page such as custom1, custom2, and so on.

<div data-role="page" class="custom1">

<div data-role="page" class="custom2">

Ensure each class has a different background assigned

.ui-page-theme-a.custom1 .ui-panel-wrapper {
  background: url(custom1.png);

.ui-page-theme-a.custom2 .ui-panel-wrapper {
  background: url(custom2.png);

Check out the demo here!

Answer №2

Correction: Apologies for the confusion, I initially thought you were adding the image URLs via jQuery. Using that approach may be advantageous as it will help maintain the cleanliness of your CSS. You can add them in with jQuery.

Page 1

 background: url('images/bgimage-p1.jpg') !important; 

Page 2

background: url('images/bgimage-p2.jpg') !important; 

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