Is there a way to delay loading 'div' until a few seconds after the 'body' has been fully loaded?

Is there a way to delay the appearance of the "text-container" div after the image is displayed? I have attempted to achieve this using JavaScript with the following code:

window.onload = function(){

var timer = setTimeout("showText()",7000)
function showText(){
document.getElementByClass("text-container").style.visibility = "visible";

Ensure that the text-container remains hidden initially: style="visibility:hidden;"

<div class="notification-container">
  <div class="image-container">
      <img class="image" src="{image}" />


  <div class="text-container">
    <div class="title">
      <span class='keyword name'>{name}</span>



If you require additional information, please feel free to ask!

Answer №1


Answer №2

LazyLoading is the term for what you are attempting to accomplish. The goal is to dynamically load images, scripts, or other files after the DOM has been initialized in order to speed up page loading.

In JavaScript, there are numerous plugins and libraries available that can assist with LazyLoading, such as jQuery Lazy.

Using LazyLoading is typically straightforward - just consult the documentation and even if you're not proficient in JS, it often boils down to copying and pasting code to get it up and running!

Answer №3

If you want to add transitions using CSS, that's definitely an option.

Another great approach is to utilize JavaScript for smoother transitions.

Implementing transitions with JavaScript shouldn't be too difficult. The most common mistake might be failing to properly link your JS file or making a typo.

With JavaScript, you only need a small snippet of code to make it work.

// Set up timeout function 
// Specify the class you want to add or remove (adjust CSS accordingly)
// Define the timer in milliseconds

}, 5000);

Answer №4

One way to add a delay to your elements using jQuery is by specifying the duration in milliseconds.

$( "document" ).ready(function() {
$( ".notification-container" ).fadeIn( 400 );
$( ".text-container" ).fadeIn( 400 ).delay( 500 ) ;

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