Is there a way to apply dual linear-gradients to both the left and right borders simultaneously?

I want to design a yellow div with wide left and right borders that gradually fade to white towards the edges to create a transparent effect.

Although I have successfully created the div, I am struggling to achieve the desired gradient:

.fade {
  margin: 2em 2em; padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 2em;
  background: rgb(242,242,194);

  border-right: 3em black solid;
  border-left: 3em black solid;
  border-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 255, 255) 0%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 100%);
<div class="fade">Text</div>

As shown above, the linear gradient successfully changes the black borders to yellow, but it does not achieve the desired white fading effect. The gradient is not visible at all.

The final design I am aiming for is like this:

What am I doing incorrectly?

Answer №1

If you're unfamiliar with gradients and prefer not to deal with them directly, consider using the Colorzilla gradient tool:

    .fade {
      margin: 2em 2em; padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 2em;
      background: linear-gradient(90deg, white 0%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 5%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 95%, white 100%);
<div class="fade">Text</div>

Perhaps this example could be helpful?

I will explain the process.

I removed any attributes related to border and only used background.

background: linear-gradient(90deg, white 0%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 5%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 95%, white 100%);

This gradient consists of 4 steps:

  • The initial step indicates the gradient starts with white.
  • The second step (5% of the element's width) transitions to yellow.
  • Continuing until the third step (95% of the width).
  • Finally, the fourth step ends back in white.

Note that the percentages refer to the width because the gradient is rotated 90 degrees; using 0 or 360 affects the height aspect of the gradient.

One last thing to note is that some padding inside the div will help the text match your photo accurately.

Answer №2

div {
  background: linear-gradient(90deg, white 0%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 8%, rgb(242, 242, 194) 92%, white 100%);
  padding: 15px;
  margin: 30px;
p {
  padding-left: 50px;

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