Fixed navbar at the bottom of the page that transitions to static when scrolling reaches a certain location

Is it feasible to achieve this using Bootstrap v3? After conducting extensive research, it appears that a custom solution may be necessary.

In essence, I am working with a navbar positioned at the bottom of the content area. Upon page load, if the navbar's code location is within view in the viewport, its position should remain static. However, if the page extends beyond and the code location becomes hidden, then the navbar's position should switch to fixed at the bottom.

This functionality is akin to top navbars, but customized for the bottom of the page.

Answer №1

Yes, absolutely

1 Incorporate bootstrap.js, bootstrap.css, and jquery.js into your project

2 Make sure to position the navbar at the bottom of the page

<div class=navbar data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="1">navbar</div>

3 Apply a specific class to your webpage


That's all there is to it.

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