Is there a way to adjust the "click priority" for buttons that overlap?

I am facing an issue with a project where I have two buttons overlapping: a red button at the bottom and a yellow button on top.

The problem lies in the fact that the yellow button is covering part of the red button. I want the red button to remain visible, but not clickable. Essentially, I need the red button at the bottom to be fully functional, as if the yellow button on top does not exist.

If anyone could assist me with the HTML/CSS code for this, I would greatly appreciate it.

You can find the link to the project below.

Thank you.

Answer №1

To prevent a graphic element from being the target of pointer events, you can use the CSS property pointer-events:none.

The pointer-events CSS property determines when a specific graphic element can receive pointer events.

.button2 {
    pointer-events: none;   

Here is a forked example with the implementation:

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