I have been struggling to implement a dynamic field that is supposed to be generated upon clicking a button. Unfortunately, the example I've been following from here has not been working for me.
Below is the content of my JavaScript file 'recipeadd.js' located in my static file directory:
var next = 1;
var addto = "#field" + next;
var addRemove = "#field" + (next);
next = next + 1;
var newIn = '<input autocomplete="off" class="form-control" id="field' + next + '" name="field' + next + '" type="text">';
var newInput = $(newIn);
var removeBtn = '<button id="remove' + (next - 1) + '" class="btn btn- danger remove-me" >-</button></div><div id="field">';
var removeButton = $(removeBtn);
$("#field" + next).attr('data-source',$(addto).attr('data-source'));
var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
var fieldID = "#field" + fieldNum;
The code below is added to my HTML header to load both the associated JS and CSS files:
<!--CSS code for recipeadd-->
<link href="{% static 'recipes/css/recipeadd.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
<!--JS code for reccipeadd-->
<script src="{% static 'recipes/js/recipeadd.js' %}"></script>
Lastly, here's the container which includes the button 'b1' that should trigger the JavaScript functionality:
<div class="container">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="recipeName">Recipe Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="recipeName">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="hidden" name="count" value="1" />
<div class="control-group" id="fields">
<label class="control-label" for="field1">Ingredients</label>
<div class="controls" id="profs">
<form class="input-append">
<div id="field"><input autocomplete="off" class="form-control" id="field1" name="prof1" type="text" placeholder="Enter one ingredient per line" data-items="8"/><button id="b1" class="btn add-more" type="button">+</button></div>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="directions">Directions</label>
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="directions"></textarea>
I am self-teaching web development and utilizing the Django framework for this project. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.