Is it possible to integrate Bootstrap with RCloud?

While Shiny is fantastic, I have a strong desire to create my own responsive dashboard with custom branding. Is it possible to utilize Bootstrap within RCloud?

Answer №1

When it comes to adding CSS in RCloud, there are multiple methods that can be utilized:

Approach 1.

For a edit.html/view.html notebook (standard notebook interface), you can incorporate the CSS as an RCloud Asset by following this code snippet:


Please note: This method assumes that the RCloud Asset is located within the same notebook. If not, the path to the notebook.R must be specified. The purpose of notebook.R is twofold- to serve notebooks as "scripts" through processing REST API and to handle static assets such as CSS files.

Approach 2.

In a mini.html notebook:

html.main <- rcloud.get.asset("method1.html", notebook

The contents of method1.html would resemble:

<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/notebook.R/236f9f7e41045780d00f9dbd08b8a890/simple.css">

Approach 3.

Within a mini.html notebook, the body parameter of rcw.result can be used to directly insert HTML like so:

body="<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='/notebook.R/e8c8df5eff2161b309213b8f7e7cafd6/simple.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/notebook.R/e8c8df5eff2161b309213b8f7e7cafd6/simple.css' media='screen'/>
<div id=left-margin>A very simple notebook.
<p id=demo>It worked!</p>
<button class=intro type='button' onclick='myFunction()'>Click me</button></div>"

Note: It's important for the inner quotes to be single quotes. This method allows for the addition of Javascript and JS libraries (such as D3 and JQuery) in a similar manner - a convenient feature since mini.html can register callbacks and has access to an active RCloud session as long as the page remains open.

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