Has any of my predecessors been hidden from view?

How can we detect if one of an element's ancestors has the display:none property set without having to traverse up the DOM Tree?

Answer №1

Are you curious about how to achieve this within JavaScript? If so, jQuery's is(':visible') function can help with that. I am sharing this for the benefit of future users who may come across this.

$("#selector").is(":visible") // returns true or false

This function checks for the following conditions:

  • When style is set to display:none
  • Form elements with type="hidden"
  • When both width and height are 0px
  • If any parent element has style set to display:none

Answer №2

There is no straightforward method to determine if a parent element has the CSS property display: none when using Vanilla JS™, as:

  1. You do not have access to an Array containing all the parent elements of an element (not until :has() is implemented, then use it with querySelectorAll()).

  2. display is a non-inherited property, which means that getComputedStyle() cannot be used (and even if it could, it would not detect interrupted inheritance).

You will need to traverse through the elements.

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