Utilizing the hcSticky plugin for creating a scrolling effect on webpage content

I'm attempting to utilize the JQuery plugin, hcSticky, in order to achieve a scrolling effect on my fixed content. However, I seem to be encountering some difficulty getting it to function properly. What could I possibly be doing incorrectly?

JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/T6gc2/

Here's the documentation for reference:


$(document).ready(function() {

Answer №1

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding regarding how hcSticky operates.

Here is the correct way it should be implemented:


In order for hcSticky to function properly, ensure that there is content on the page larger than the element you wish to float. Additionally, avoid manually setting position:fixed to the element as the plugin handles this automatically.

Answer №2

If you're looking to include a scrollbar on your content, one simple solution is to use the CSS property overflow-y. Here's an example:


overflow-y: scroll;

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