Choose certain table cells that do not have an identifier or any classes assigned to them

My table has 3 rows and 3 data cells.

To select the first row, first data cell, and all bold tags from it:

tr + td b {}

To select the second row, second data cell, and all bold tags from it:

tr+tr > td+td b {}

I need help selecting them without using nth-child due to lack of support in IE8 and earlier versions.

Could someone correct those selectors for me? I believe my current approach is incorrect and not accurately selecting the desired elements.

Answer №1

If you want to get the nth-child selector to work in IE8, follow these steps:

tr:first-child+tr    -> tr:nth-child(2)
tr:first-child+tr+tr -> tr:nth-child(3)

To target the first tr, first td, and all b tags within it, use this CSS:

tr:first-child td:first-child b {}

To style the second tr, second td, and all b tags inside it, apply this CSS:

tr:first-child+tr td:first-child+td b {}

Check out this JSFiddle example

Alternatively, you can use a JavaScript utility like selectivizr.

Answer №2

  var index=0;


You will receive the count of each bold element in every row. For instance, for the first tr: the count in the first td and bold elements within it. Then, the second tr, the count in the second td and bold elements inside the second td, and so forth. Please let me know if this helps address your issue.

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