Changing the color of a specific span using Angular

I am working with a dynamic mat-table where columns are added and populated on the fly. The table headers are styled using divs and spans. My goal is to change the color of a header to black when clicked, but also un-toggle any previously selected header.

At the moment, I have managed to toggle a header's color, but I am struggling with untoggling another header. Initially, all the spans were being toggled at once, but I was able to fix this by toggling based on each span's ID.

Below is a snippet of the HTML code I have implemented:

<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
      <ng-container matColumnDef="{{column.columnName1}}" *ngFor = "let column of displayColumns">
          <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>
            <div *ngIf = "column.stackedHeader">
              <div [ngStyle] = "{'color': (column.toggled) ? 'black' : 'grey'}" (click) = "toggleColumn($event)" class = "column-header" id = "{{column.columnName1}}">
                {{ column.columnHeader1 }}
              <div (click) = "toggleColumn($event)" class = "column-header" id = "{{column.columnName2}}">
                {{ column.columnHeader2 }}
            <div *ngIf = "!column.stackedHeader" (click) = "toggleLocationColumn($event)" class = "column-header" id = "{{column.columnName1}}">
toggleColumn($event) {
    const columnId = $;
    for (let i = 0; i <= this.displayColumns.length; i++) {
      if (columnId === this.displayColumns[i].columnName1) {
        this.displayColumns[i].toggled = !this.displayColumns[i].toggled;

Here is an example array that I use to populate the table:

    columnName1: 'Pickup',
    columnHeader1: 'Pickup',
    columnName2: 'Delivery',
    columnHeader2: 'Delivery',
    stackedHeader: true,
    stackedRow: true,
    toggled: false
    columnName1: 'FromCity',
    columnHeader1: 'From',
    columnName2: 'ToCity',
    columnHeader2: 'To',
    stackedHeader: true,
    stackedRow: true,
    toggled: false

Answer №1

The complete picture may be a bit blurry, with some parts missing, but I have some suggestions for refactoring the code to reduce errors.

Instead of passing the $event when defining click handlers in the template, you can pass any variable defined within the template itself.

<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
    <ng-container matColumnDef="{{column.columnName1}}" *ngFor = "let column of displayColumns">
        <!-- ... -->
            <!-- take note of the toggleColumn call below and the missing 'id' attribute -->
            <div ... (click) = "toggleColumn(column)" class = "column-header" >
        <!-- ... -->

This way, instead of receiving the DOM element, you receive the actual business object. This allows for the use of types and eliminates the need for an id on the clicked DOM element as well. The current implementation of toggleColumn seems a bit complex. Using a for-i loop can introduce errors, so it's better to use forEach which also enhances code readability due to fewer array references. Here's how I rewrote the method:

toggleColumn(selectedColumn: Column) {
    this.displayColumns.forEach((otherColumn: Column) => {
        otherColumn.toggled = ===;

Upon further reflection, it appears that the issue might be that only the selected column's toggled field is being updated, while others remain unaffected. Check out the criteria within the if statement:

for (let i = 0; i <= this.displayColumns.length; i++) {
    if (columnId === this.displayColumns[i].columnName1) {
        this.displayColumns[i].toggled = !this.displayColumns[i].toggled;

A simple solution could be to remove the if condition from the above statement and simply toggle the toggled state for all columns.

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