Is the rotate() method in SVG supported on web browsers when passing in additional parameters like angle, centerX, and centerY similar to the CSS rotate

I have recently learned about a rotate transform that allows for rotating around a specified center point using the `rotate(angle, centerX, centerY)` method. However, I have noticed that this method does not seem to work when applied via CSS.

Interestingly, it works perfectly fine when used inline as an attribute:

  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="3" style="fill: black"/>

  <g id="arrow" style="stroke: black">
     <line x1="60" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50"/>
     <polygon points="90, 50, 85 45, 85, 55"/>

  <use xlink:href="#arrow" transform="rotate(60, 50, 50)"/>

However, applying this through a CSS style rule seems to present issues:

#arrow2 {
  transform: rotate(60, 50, 50);
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="3" style="fill: black"/>

  <g id="arrow" style="stroke: black">
     <line x1="60" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50"/>
     <polygon points="90, 50, 85 45, 85, 55"/>

  <g id="arrow2" style="stroke: red">
     <line x1="60" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50"/>
     <polygon points="90, 50, 85 45, 85, 55"/>

Answer №1

When it comes to the property "transform," CSS and SVG don't behave the same way. Here's a solution you can try:

#arrow2 {
  transform: rotate(60deg);
  transform-origin: 50px 50px;
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="3" style="fill: black"/>

  <g id="arrow" style="stroke: black">
     <line x1="60" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50"/>
     <polygon points="90, 50, 85 45, 85, 55"/>

  <g id="arrow2" style="stroke: red">
     <line x1="60" y1="50" x2="90" y2="50"/>
     <polygon points="90, 50, 85 45, 85, 55"/>

Answer №2

From what I can gather, CSS transform: rotate() seems to only accept one rotation parameter. More information can be found in the documentation on MDN. It's important to note that the transform-origin property is necessary to adjust the rotation point away from the default center.

It appears that this method works "inside" the SVG due to different parsers used by browsers for SVG and CSS. This likely leads to mapping the overloaded "style" to the native SVG Transform function. The MDN documentation hints at this:

In SVG2, transform is considered a presentation attribute that can also be used as a CSS property. However, there are syntax differences between the CSS property and the attribute. Refer to the documentation for the CSS property transform for specific syntax guidelines.

Keep in mind that the documentation for SVG Transform allows for additional parameters with rotate().

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