Is Load Order Significant in Articles?

I have been scouring the internet in search of an answer to my query but haven't had much luck finding a straightforward solution. I frequently use article classes in my projects, but I never really considered whether they load in a specific order on the page.

For Example:

<div id="example" article class="example1 example2 example3">
   Here's the div.

Furthermore, I am curious to know if I set a background in example 1 and then set a background in example two, would the background of example 1 still be visible beneath example two? Essentially, is it like stacking divs on top of each other?

The reason for my inquiry is because I have an article class with a background of an ajax loader. However, I need to load an image directly on top of the ajax loader. It's my way of creating a budget preloader without dealing with all the complex scripting.

Thank you once again!

Answer №1

What you're inquiring about is the hierarchy of applying CSS rules. Put simply:

  1. The order in which you list classes on an element (class="foo bar baz") does not impact the outcome.

  2. The sequence in which you write CSS declarations in your CSS file does matter.

    foo { ... }
    bar { ... }
    baz { ... }

    Later rules take precedence over earlier ones.

  3. When applying properties defined in these CSS rules to an element, only one property can be applied per element; they do not "stack". If two CSS rules specify the same property, the later rule will overwrite the previous one for that element.

For instance:

<div class="baz bar foo">
.foo {
    color: blue;
    border: 1px solid green;

.bar {
    color: black;
    border-color: orange;

.baz {
    color: red;
    margin: 10em;

The order of classes in the class="..." attribute doesn't matter. All three classes are applied to the element in the order of .foo, then .bar, and finally .baz. The resulting properties for the element come from merging the rules above:

color:        red;    # from .baz
border-color: orange; # from .bar
border-style: solid;  # from .foo
border-width: 1px;    # from .foo
margin:       10em;   # from .baz

(Note that rule precedence involves selector specificity and may be more complex than described here, but this holds true for equally specific selectors.)

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