The MAC slideshow circles at the bottom have been mysteriously chopped off

Utilizing the popular JQuery plugin Cycle for a slideshow on this site:

An issue has arisen - everything functions as expected on windows (across all major browsers), BUT on MAC (running lion 10.7.5, tested on one machine so far; unsure of client's OS version on second test machine...) there is an issue...

The problem at hand: the navigation circles are being cut off at the bottom. (you will see it in the slideshow). Confirmed across Firefox, Safari and Chrome!

Relevant css:

#slider_nav {

    padding:0 24px 0 0;

.activeSlide {      
    padding:0 24px 0 0;

I've adjusted the height to be larger than necessary, removed margins, paddings... but to no avail - it's clear that something else is causing the issue here, any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Your JavaScript code contains the following line:

return '<li'+s+' class="slideli"><a href="#">&nbsp;</a></li>';

When executed, it generates these lines:

<li0 class="slideli">
<li1 class="slideli">
<li2 class="slideli">
<li3 class="slideli">
<li4 class="slideli">

This approach is not recommended.

I made some modifications to the CSS for slideli. They are intended to resolve the issue:

.slideli {
    background-image: url("../images/gray-dot.png");
    background-position: center top;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: inline-block;          // Added
    height: 27px;
    margin-right: 5px;              // Added
    padding: 0;                     // Modified
    width: 24px;

Please implement these changes and let us know if the problem has been fixed.

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