Interactive CSS Video Gallery Slideshow

Is there a way to create a slideshow video gallery using CSS? I've looked everywhere but all I find are slideshow image galleries. If anyone has any resources or tips on how to do this, please share!

This is the kind of video gallery I'm looking to create:

Answer №1

To achieve this type of effect, you can implement the snap scroll property in CSS.

Here are some helpful resources to assist with learning:

Alternatively, you can utilize the scroll-direction: horizontal; property.

If you want to add some tricks and animations, check out this example:

Lastly, incorporating videos is straightforward - simply replace the image or text with Video tags or a YouTube video iframe.

That's all for now...

Answer №2

If you have experience creating an image gallery, you can easily modify the code by replacing the image tags with video tags.

For instance:

<video width="300" height="250" controls>

<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">


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