Is it possible to utilize v-html with message data in Vue without any limitations on the <title> element?

Currently utilizing Vue.js 2 and my SDK is IntelliJ:

I am attempting to bring HTML content into a Vue.js file.

The main objective is to include the <title></title> attribute, as it seems that Vue doesn't have direct support for this feature.

Within the <template> section, I have the following code:

div v-html="message1"></div>

My data object contains a simple message1:

message1:   '<title>My webpage -- from message1 </title>',

Interestingly, I can use the "moustache" syntax to display message1, but only the title tags are shown.

The message1 being used by v-html compiles successfully, but it does not appear on the rendered page.

Is it accurate to say that Vue does not directly support the use of <title></title>? Although there are complex workarounds available, is there a simpler HTML-like method to achieve this for straightforward static text? The objective here is for accessibility purposes.

The ultimate goal is to have the content display in the "tab" section of the page, where it should be visible. I am able to display it on the page itself, but struggle with displaying it in the "tab" area (located above the URL bar in most browsers).

Answer №1

It is evident from the examples mentioned here that various browsers come with pre-defined css styles for the title tag.

For instance, in Chrome:

title {
  display: none;

To avoid this default styling, consider using a different tag or overriding the existing style.

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