Is it possible to utilize both CSS assets and the public folder within a single application?

I am facing the challenge of migrating a legacy application to utilize the Rails 3 asset pipeline. With over 100 stylesheets being imported on a template by template basis using a

content_for :stylesheets

block, compiling them into a single stylesheet is not currently feasible due to the specific styling requirements for different pages. For instance, the login page imports a stylesheet that redefines article form, which should not be applied universally.

Is there a gradual approach to transitioning to the asset pipeline where the app first searches for a compiled asset, and then falls back to the public/stylesheets directory if necessary?

Answer №1

If you're aiming to approach this task in the most efficient way possible, consider assigning a class name to your <html> or <body> tag and enclosing the contents of your CSS files within a selector. In my own setup, I employ a similar technique as outlined below within my ApplicationController.

before_filter :body_class

def body_class
  controller_name =$/, '')
  if !controller_name.index('::').nil?
    namespace, controller_name = controller_name.split('::')

  @body_classes = ["#{controller_name.underscore}_#{action_name} ".downcase.strip]
  @body_classes = ["#{namespace.underscore}_#{@default_body_classes.join}".strip] if !namespace.nil?

Incorporating this into my layout involves implementing something along these lines:

<body class="<%= @default_body_classes.join(' ') %>">

Furthermore, consider adjusting the file extensions for all your stylesheets to .css.scss and relocating them to the designated app/assets/stylesheets directory. To streamline their inclusion, add the following directive to the top of a new app/assets/application.css.scss file, ensuring that only this single application.css file is referenced in your layouts.

 * =require_tree .

To complete the process, invest some time in enveloping the entirety of each stylesheet with the relevant body class. For instance, if you have a stylesheet dedicated to the User::Admin controller's signup action, encase the entire content within:

.user_admin.signup {
  /* Your stylesheet's content here */

By adhering to these steps, although not an instant fix, you can make substantial progress efficiently towards achieving the desired outcome in a structured manner.

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