Is it possible to overlay two divs on top of a current website layout?

I am currently attempting to overlay two divs on top of an established website, similar to the layout shown in the image:

While I am able to achieve this successfully in browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome, I am encountering difficulties when trying to do so in Internet Explorer.

Can anyone provide me with a straightforward example of how to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Here is a code snippet to add to your header. Remember to adjust position:absolute to position:fixed in your CSS file.

<!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
        .black_overlay {
            top: expression(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement.scrollTop+"px" : body.scrollTop+"px");

Answer №2

The key is to really focus on utilizing z-index to control layering in your HTML code.

Think of z-index as creating different layers for elements on your webpage, allowing you to position them in a specific order - similar to having layers on top, in the middle, and on the bottom. Essentially, you can have multiple divs stacked like layers on a cake.

Answer №3

I have made some modifications to the css. I replaced the position:absolute; with fixed to ensure it stays in place even when scrolling.

Check out the updated version here:

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