Indeed, it is entirely feasible, but you must remember to include an additional class in the upcoming .css
file that you intend to implement.
Suppose you currently have the following html structure:
<div class="alpha">lorem ipsum</div>
<div class="beta"></div>
Furthermore, let's assume that your existing .css
file looks like this:
.alpha {
//styles are defined here
.beta {
//additional styles can be found here
Now, if you wish to alter the appearance of all elements on the page, you need to introduce a new class to the highest-level element, such as html or body
<body class="gamma">
<div class="alpha">lorem ipsum</div>
<div class="beta"></div>
Consequently, you will also require corresponding styles in your .css
.gamma .alpha {
//modified styles go here
.gamma .beta {
//other modified styles can be included here
I trust this information proves useful.