Issue with WordPress navigation menu bug

On my website, I have implemented WP nav menu and it seems to be functioning correctly. However, I am facing an issue with the sub link under the home link. The screenshot shows the problem clearly.

In the provided image, the "support our work" sub link appears to be displaying properly. On the other hand, the Home sub link is not showing up as expected. I would like for "News, Calendar, Like Us On FaceB" to be listed under the HOME link in the same way as "Support our work". It seems that the Home Page is not accepting the sub links.

Answer №1

If you want to set a static page as your home page, it is completely doable.

To accomplish this, navigate to Settings, Reading, Front page displays. From there, select your designated "Front page," which will then be showcased in the menu as the primary link for your homepage.

Additionally, within the functions.php file of your theme, include the following code:

function my_page_menu_args( $args ) {
    $args['show_home'] = false; // Exclude the 'home' link from displaying in the menu.
    return $args;
add_filter('wp_page_menu_args', 'my_page_menu_args', 1000);

Upon implementation, the submenu items associated with the chosen page will now appear as subpage links within the menu.

Answer №2

Consider incorporating theme_location => 'secondary'

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