Encircling a particular group of cells with a border

I have completed the component with a table layout.

My current challenge is figuring out how to surround a range of selected cells with a border, similar to the first cell in the group shown below:


I attempted using different classes for each cell's border style, but it seems impossible as I cannot predict which cells the user will select or determine the size of the cell group.

Thank you in advance and please excuse any language errors.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the question I had to tackle this week didn't have a straightforward answer, aside from suggesting the use of external libraries. Here is my unique approach to solving the problem.

In this example, I am utilizing the Marked class to highlight selected cells and the dataset attribute to indicate which cells define outer boundaries.

;window.onload = (event) => {
  // Setting up mousedown event  
  document.querySelector('table').addEventListener('mousedown',_onMouseDownTable, false)

* Handling MouseDown event for the table
function _onMouseDownTable(event){
  // Checking if 'td' element...
    event.target &&
    event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'td'
    const tObject = {Down: event.target};

    // Adding event listener for marking cells
    this.onmousemove = ((object, event) => {
        event.target &&
        event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'td'
        object.Move = event.target
        delete object.Move

      _markCells(object.Down, object.Move)
    }).bind(null, tObject);

    // Event listener for finishing cell marking
    this.onmouseleave = this.onmouseup = ((object, event) => {
      this.onmouseleave = this.onmousemove = this.onmouseup = null;
    }).bind(null, tObject)

* Marks cells between cell a and cell b
function _markCells(a, b){
  if(a && b){
    // Finding parent table of cell a (usually same as b)
    const tTable = a.closest('table');

    // Clearing existing marks and border data
    tTable.querySelectorAll('td.Marked, td[data-bounds-left], td[data-bounds-right], td[data-bounds-top], td[data-bounds-bottom]').forEach((td) => {

      delete td.dataset.boundsLeft;
      delete td.dataset.boundsRight;
      delete td.dataset.boundsTop;
      delete td.dataset.boundsBottom

    // Identifying the smallest (top/left) and largest coordinates
      tMaxColumn = Math.max(Number(a.dataset.columnIndex), Number(b.dataset.columnIndex)),
      tMaxRow = Math.max(Number(a.dataset.rowIndex), Number(b.dataset.rowIndex)),
      tMinColumn = Math.min(Number(a.dataset.columnIndex), Number(b.dataset.columnIndex)),
      tMinRow = Math.min(Number(a.dataset.rowIndex), Number(b.dataset.rowIndex));

    // Marking all cells between Min and Max values
    for(let row = tMinRow; row <= tMaxRow; row++){
      for(let column = tMinColumn; column <= tMaxColumn; column++){
        const tCell = tTable.querySelector(`td[data-row-index='${row}'][data-column-index='${column}']`);
          // Marking as left boundary if applicable
          if(column === tMinColumn){
            tCell.dataset.boundsLeft = true

          // Marking as right boundary if applicable
          if(column === tMaxColumn){
            tCell.dataset.boundsRight = true

          // Marking as top boundary if applicable
          if(row === tMinRow){
            tCell.dataset.boundsTop = true

          // Marking as bottom boundary if applicable
          if(row === tMaxRow){
            tCell.dataset.boundsBottom = true

          // Setting cell as marked
  border: 2px solid #000;
  background-color: grey;
  height: 25px;
  width: 200px;

  background-color: #1e90ff

    border-left-color: red

    border-right-color: red

    border-top-color: red

    border-bottom-color: red
      <td data-column-index="0" data-row-index="0"></td>
      <td data-column-index="1" data-row-index="0"></td>
      <td data-column-index="2" data-row-index="0"></td>
      <td data-column-index="3" data-row-index="0"></td>
      <td data-column-index="4" data-row-index="0"></td>
      <td data-column-index="0" data-row-index="1"></td>
      <td data-column-index="1" data-row-index="1"></td>
      <td data-column-index="2" data-row-index="1"></td>
      <td data-column-index="3" data-row-index="1"></td>
      <td data-column-index="4" data-row-index="1"></td>
      <td data-column-index="0" data-row-index="2"></td>
      <td data-column-index="1" data-row-index="2"></td>
      <td data-column-index="2" data-row-index="2"></td>
      <td data-column-index="3" data-row-index="2"></td>
      <td data-column-index="4" data-row-index="2"></td>
      <td data-column-index="0" data-row-index="3"></td>
      <td data-column-index="1" data-row-index="3"></td>
      <td data-column-index="2" data-row-index="3"></td>
      <td data-column-index="3" data-row-index="3"></td>
      <td data-column-index="4" data-row-index="3"></td>
      <td data-column-index="0" data-row-index="4"></td>
      <td data-column-index="1" data-row-index="4"></td>
      <td data-column-index="2" data-row-index="4"></td>
      <td data-column-index="3" data-row-index="4"></td>
      <td data-column-index="4" data-row-index="4"></td>

Please note that this solution is only a preliminary draft and may require further refinement based on specific implementation needs.

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