Is it possible to enable auto-completion for IDs in a separate CSS file using WebStorm 7?

I am new to using WebStorm 7 and currently working on building a simple HTML/CSS website. Initially, I included my CSS within the HTML file using the style tag, but now I have decided to move it to a separate file.

Auto completion is functioning for all html and css syntax, except when it comes to ID's (specifically custom names) in my CSS classes.

In my HTML file, I have:

<div id="my_div">

When I type div#my in my CSS file, I expect "my_div" to show up in the auto-completion list, but it does not. The CSS file is correctly interacting with the HTML, producing the desired result, but I encounter issues with auto completion.

It is odd that after referencing an ID once in my CSS, it appears in the auto-completion suggestions if referenced again. However, this is not very helpful since most IDs are typically used only once.

Previously, this functionality worked when writing CSS inside the <style> tag, so I don't understand why it is not working in a separate file?

Thank you

Answer №1

In the world of CSS selectors, completion works in one direction only: from CSS to HTML. When working on your HTML file, you'll have access to a list of all selectors defined in your CSS files, but those written directly in the HTML won't be available when editing CSS. More details can be found at this link.

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