What is the best way to set the value of the days in a month to a div

I've been experimenting with creating a calendar using javascript, HTML, and CSS on my own. I managed to achieve some functionality like obtaining the current month and year as well as the previous month and year by clicking a button in HTML. However, I'm facing a challenge when it comes to displaying the days in the correct format. Despite referring to resources from w3schools and Google, I still feel like there are gaps in my knowledge.

My goal is to showcase the days in a div/grid structure that I have set up in HTML using CSS styling.

I understand this may seem like a basic question compared to others related to jQuery, but I'm specifically seeking a Javascript solution for learning purposes.

Here's the code snippet I tried:

<div id="caldays"></div>


  let days="";
    for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
        days = days +  i;
        caldays.innerHTML = days;

The result can be viewed here:

Another variation of Javascript code using div elements:

 let days="";
    for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
        days = days +  "<div> $[i] </div>";
        caldays.innerHTML = days;

The result of this version can be seen here:

If you could provide insight into what I might be missing or doing incorrectly, and how to rectify it, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance to all the experts for your help and guidance. Also, please note that I have been exploring the following link for learning: https://medium.com/@nitinpatel_20236/challenge-of-building-a-calendar-with-pure-javascript-a86f1303267d but prefer using divs over tables or rows.

Answer №1

  1. Replace "double-quotes with backticks (``) in template literals.

  2. Use { } curly braces instead of [ ] square brackets.

let days = "";
for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
  days = days + `<div> ${i} </div>`;
  caldays.innerHTML = days;
<div id="caldays"></div>

You can also directly assign <div> ${i} </div> to innerHTML. Moreover, when there's only one line of code inside a block, you can skip the { } curly braces. For example:

for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) caldays.innerHTML += `<div> ${i} </div>`;
<div id="caldays"></div>

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