Customizing and adjusting the CSS for all individuals accessing the website

I am in the process of developing a system that will notify users in the office when a specific individual is busy and cannot answer the phone.

How can I implement a feature where clicking "engaged" changes the color of the availability box to red on their screen and updates it simultaneously for others?

I currently have a functional prototype, but it relies on .vbs to change the CSS file through find and replace, making it an HTA app. I would like to transition it to an HTML page instead.

Answer №1

To determine user availability in real-time, you will require a script that runs every 1-2 seconds on the page to send a request to a PHP file checking the database. If certain conditions are met based on the PHP output, the color of an element can be toggled to red.

This solution involves using AJAX for asynchronous communication, PHP for server-side scripting, a database management system like MySQL, and knowledge of jQuery or JavaScript.

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