Difficulty encountered in closing div by clicking the background with the help of jquery

I am facing a challenge with properly closing a div container and restoring it to its original state when I click outside of it. Despite trying various solutions from stackoverflow and extensive internet research, I have been unable to find or come up with a working solution. I attempted using stopPropagation but the issue persists where clicking on the background after the initial interaction continues to toggle the div. You can view a simplified version of my code in this js fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/10545/

Below is the jQuery snippet:

var text = 1;

     $('.div2, .div3, .patientAccess').toggle("fast");
     $('.loginform_hidden').toggleClass('loginform_visible ');

    if(text == 1){

        $(".div1").toggleClass("animateSlide col-xs-12");
        $('.login1').html('Go Back');

        text = 0;
    } else{
        $('.login1').html('Start Animation');

        text = 1;

    $('.registrationform_hidden').toggleClass('registrationform_visible ');
        $('.div1, .div3, .patientAccess').toggle("fast");
    if(text == 1){
        $('.login2').html('Go Back');

        text = 0;
    } else{
        $('.login2').html('Start Animation');

        text = 1;

        $('.div1, .div2, .patientAccess').toggle("fast");
    if(text == 1){
        $('.div3').html('Go Back');

        text = 0;
    } else{
        $('.div3').html('Start Animation');

        text = 1;

Answer №1

It seems like I grasp your inquiry correctly.

To address the issue, you can implement an event listener to detect clicks outside of the highlighted section and then remove the highlighting by calling .removeClass() when clicked elsewhere.

I believe I have comprehended and provided a solution to your query. Please let me know if this resolves the issue for you.

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