Is it possible to change the color of an element in Angular when using the ngClass and ngStyle directives with

Hey everyone! I've created a StackBlitz demo for reference, where I used an expansion panel to expand content based on click events. For example, clicking on the All element expands all content, while clicking on the B element expands only 'B' content.

What I'm trying to achieve is to use ngStyle or ngClass in the top loop of {{tab}}. When clicking on the All tag, it should change to green color, and clicking again should toggle it to red color. The same behavior should apply to the B tag as well.

If panel state = false, the tag should be red, and when it's true, it should turn green.

Panel open state:

panelOpenState = false;

Top ngFor loop:

<div style="display: flex;justify-content: space-evenly;">
    <div *ngFor="let tab of getTablist();"> <p  (click)='clickOntab(tab)' [ngStyle]="{'color':panelOpenState === 'true' ? 'green' : 'red' }">{{tab}}</p></div>

Ts File

panelOpenState = false;
  public tabType: string = "";
      clickOntab(tab) {
        if (this.tabType != "" && this.tabType === tab) {
          this.panelOpenState = false;
          this.tabType = "";
        } else {
          this.panelOpenState = true;
          this.tabType = tab;
      getTablist() {
        const tabList = => list.alphabet);
        return ["All"].concat(tabList);

Answer №1

To change the color of each tab individually, you can utilize the ngClass directive as illustrated below:


Currently, all tabs are linked to a single property panelOpenState, causing them to change colors simultaneously. For separate color states for each tab, ensure that you store the open or closed state of each tab in an array. This way, only the currently open tab will display green while others remain red.

For a live demonstration, check out this demo.

Answer №2

In my opinion, the most effective and easy-to-read solution would be:

<div style="display: flex;justify-content: space-evenly;">
    <div *ngFor="let tab of getTablist();">
        <p (click)='clickOntab(tab)' [class.redClass]="!panelOpenState" [class.greenClass]="panelOpenState">

Answer №3

View the StackBlitz demo here

A straightforward method for incorporating an array containing tab names

  tabs = ["ALL", "A", "B", "C"];
  panelOpenState = "";

To store the name of the open tab in panelOpenState.

Next, update the template file as shown below:

<div style="display: flex;justify-content: space-evenly;">
    <div *ngFor="let tab of getTabList();">
        <p (click)='clickOnTab(tab)'
            [ngStyle]="{'color':panelOpenState === tab ? 'green' : 'red' }">{{tab}}</p>

The ngStyle directive will change the text color to green when the tab matches the panelOpenState value, providing the desired functionality.

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