Is it possible to adjust positioning using just CSS?

I'm attempting to arrange these elements as shown in the image below:


<div class="object1">
    <div class="snax-voting-container-body">
        <div class="snax-voting snax-voting-positive snax-voting-large" data-snax-item-id="297">
            <div class="snax-voting-score">
                <strong>6203</strong> points
            <a href="#" class="snax-voting-upvote snax-vote snax-vote-up snax-guest-voting" title="Upvote" data-snax-item-id="297" data-snax-author-id="0" data-snax-nonce="6bb412040e"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Upvote</a>
            <a href="#" class="snax-voting-downvote snax-vote snax-vote-down snax-guest-voting" title="Downvote" data-snax-item-id="297" data-snax-author-id="0" data-snax-nonce="6bb412040e"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Downvote</a>
    <a href=" "><img id="postTB" src=""></a><a href=" "> 25 Delicious Things To Cook In September (</a><img alt="" src="//;r=g&amp;d=retro" srcset="//;r=g&amp;d=retro 2x" class="avatar avatar-40 photo" height="40" width="40">



Is there a way to rearrange these elements correctly using only CSS, or do I need to rethink the HTML structure?

Answer №1

redesigned without the use of display: contents

 width: 100%;

 .object1 {
   display: flex;

 .object1 a {
   width: 10%;

 .object1 a:last-of-type {
   width: auto;

  .snax-voting {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
   text-align: center;
<div class="object1">
    <div class="snax-voting-container-body">
        <div class="snax-voting snax-voting-positive snax-voting-large" data-snax-item-id="297">
            <div class="snax-voting-score">
                <strong>6203</strong> points
            <a href="#" class="snax-voting-upvote snax-vote snax-vote-up snax-guest-voting" title="Upvote" data-snax-item-id="297" data-snax-author-id="0" data-snax-nonce="6bb412040e"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Upvote</a>
            <a href="#" class="snax-voting-downvote snax-vote snax-vote-down snax-guest-voting" title="Downvote" data-snax-item-id="297" data-snax-author-id="0" data-snax-nonce="6bb412040e"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Downvote</a>
    <a href=" "><img id="postTB" src=""></a><a href=" "> 25 Delicious Things To Cook In September (</a><img alt="" src="//;r=g&amp;d=retro" srcset="//;r=g&amp;d=retro 2x" class="avatar avatar-40 photo" height="40" width="40">


.object1 {
   display: flex;

.object1 a {
   display: contents;
<div class="object1">
    <div class="snax-voting-container-body">
        <div class="snax-voting snax-voting-positive snax-voting-large" data-snax-item-id="297">
            <div class="snax-voting-score">
                <strong>6203</strong> points
            <a href="#" class="snax-voting-upvote snax-vote snax-vote-up snax-guest-voting"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Upvote</a>
            <a hr

ef="#" class="snax-voting-downvote snax-vote snax-vote-down snax-guest-voting"><span class="snax-vote-icon snax-vote-icon-caret"></span> Downvoteg"></a>

Answer №2

Do you have experience using the css flexbox? I like to refer to this handy cheatsheet:

In flexbox, you have the ability to specify ordering by using inline-flex and setting the order manually. Here's an example:

.snax-voting-container-body {
  display: inline;

.snax-voting {
  display: inline-flex;
  flex-direction: column;
.snax-voting a {
  display: block;

.snax-voting-upvote {
  order: 0;
.snax-voting-score {
  order: 1;
.snax-voting-downvote {
  order: 2;

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