After loading ajax content onto the page, the scroll bars fail to appear

I am currently constructing a website that loads page content through ajax. Everything seems to be functioning perfectly, except for a peculiar issue I have encountered in Chrome and Safari. Surprisingly, it is working flawlessly in IE!

The problem lies in the fact that when the loaded page content exceeds the height of the index page, scroll bars fail to appear in both Chrome and Safari.

While trying to troubleshoot this issue, I came across a potential solution on Stack Overflow (In Chrome, page won't resize after Ajax load). Unfortunately, the fix mentioned there did not resolve the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to tackle this?

Answer №1

Found a solution on the stack page you provided by @Paul Tomblin. Although it may not be specifically for your question, I am 95% certain that it will work.

If your content is contained within a class called ajax_content, this code should be executed upon completion of an ajax request:


This snippet ensures that all elements with the ajax_content class will be resized properly. Make sure to apply the style attribute scroll: auto; to the ajax_content class.

To resize the entire page, refer back to the answer mentioned on the aforementioned page:


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