Is it possible that the div's height is not being set to 0 pixels

<div style="height:0px;max-height:0px">

It appears that setting the height of a div to 0 pixels is not having the desired effect.

The div is still expanding to display its contents, so how can we stop this from occurring?

Answer №1

If you are really looking to ensure that it will have no height, consider using the following CSS:

display: block;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;

If you're experiencing issues on Internet Explorer, you may also want to include

zoom: 1;

In a stylesheet specifically targeting IE with a conditional comment. This will activate the hasLayout property in IE.

It's important to note that display:none is not the same as setting the height to zero. Take a look at various clearfix solutions where maintaining its position within the flow is essential.

Answer №2

To prevent the content from expanding the wrapping element, apply the CSS property overflow:hidden.

Answer №3

Consider adding line-height: 0; to your styling as well

If you prefer to hide the entire section, you can apply display: none;

Answer №4

When using Windows 10 and Firefox version 58.0.1, I found that the complete hiding of an element required the following CSS code:

display: block !important;
line-height: 0 !important;
height: 0 !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
zoom: 1 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 0;
border: none;

Answer №5

Consider using the CSS property overflow:hidden

Answer №6

Consider including the CSS property "overflow:hidden" to resolve the issue

Answer №7

It's not specified which browser is being used, but assuming it's IE since it often confuses height with min-height. As others have mentioned, either using overflow:hidden; or line-height: 0; should solve the issue - only one of them is needed.

By setting height: 0;, the hasLayout in IE gets activated already so there's no necessity for zoom:1; in this scenario.

Answer №8

Uncertain of your intentions without proper context, but consider this:


Answer №9

#yiv1734505183 .yiv1734505183portrait{

@media (min-width:481px){
    #yiv1734505183 .yiv1734505183mobile-hide{
        width:auto !important;
        max-height:inherit !important;
        min-height:auto !important;
@media (min-width:481px){
    #yiv1734505183 .yiv1734505183portrait{

Answer №10

Here is a solution that I found effective:

    margin: 0;
    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

Appreciate it.

Answer №11

After reviewing the responses provided, I feel compelled to mention that in cases where all other solutions have been attempted and the <div> remains visible, it is possible that a specific min-height: value could be causing this issue.

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