What sets apart li.parent from ul?

I am facing some confusion with this parent keyword. Are li.parent and ul the same thing? If so, can someone please explain what this means? Thank you. (nav and sidebar are classes).

.sidebar ul.nav .active > a:focus, .sidebar ul.nav li.parent a.active:focus {
color: #fff;
background-color: #2e2e2e;


Answer №1

Simply put, it's just a class name with no unique CSS powers or special meaning.

Is li.parent the same as ul?

No, they are not the same. A ul is an HTML element type, whereas li.parent is simply a list item with a class of "parent".

The implications of this will vary depending on how it is utilized.

Chances are, it indicates that the specific li has a sub-menu, but without seeing the relevant HTML code, it's difficult to confirm for sure.

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