Is it possible that 50% plus 50% is not equal to 100%? And what could be causing the <div> elements to not align properly

I inspected it using Chrome, analyzed every associated div, and I still can't figure out why the two columns won't align next to each other when set to 50% width each?

My guess is that there might be some default margin or padding causing this issue. How can I override them if that's the problem?

CSS file

.stats-left {
  display: inline-block;
  border : 1px solid black;
  width: 50%;

.stats-right {
  vertical-align: top;
  display: inline-block;
  border : 1px solid black;
  width: 50%;

.count-padding {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-top: .3em;
  padding-bottom: .3em;

.blue-background {
  background-color: #446CB3;
  border : 1px solid black;

If I remove the 50% width from both:

I'm unable to eliminate the white gap between the two blue columns.


<% @user ||= current_user %>
<div class="stats-left">
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= following_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.following.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= following_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.habits.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= following_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.goals.unaccomplished.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= following_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.quantifieds.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= following_user_path(@user) %>", id: white>
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.valuations.count %>
<div class="stats-right">
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= followers_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.followers.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= followers_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.followers.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= followers_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.goals.accomplished.count %>
  <div class="blue-background">
    <a href="<%= followers_user_path(@user) %>">
      <div class="count-padding">
        <%= @user.results.good.count %>
        Good Results

Answer №1

Inline elements will have a space between them, even if they are set to inline-block.

To align your elements to the left:

.stats-right {
    float: left;
    border: 1px solid black;
    width: 50%;
    box-sizing: border-box; /* including padding and border in width */
.count-padding {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-top: 0.3em;
  padding-bottom: 0.3em;
/* .blue-background { */
.stats-left > div,
.stats-right > div {
    background-color: #446CB3;
    border: 1px solid black;

Try out the code on jsFiddle:

Alternatively, you can use either of these methods (both considered hacks):

1) Remove spaces between inline-block elements in your markup:


2) Insert comments between them:


3) According to @rgthree, apply font-size: 0; to the container and then reset the font size for each inline-block element.

The widths may not sum up as expected due to the additional border taking up space, so it's actually: 50% + border. To address this, use box-sizing: border-box;. With border-box, the set width accounts for any added padding or borders, making it so that border + padding + ? = 50%. Refer to the CSS provided above.

Answer №2

It's true that they are 50% in width, but keep in mind that each div also includes a 1px border (for a total of 4 extra px), causing the total width to exceed 100%:

[1px + 50% + 1px] + [1px + 50% + 1px] > 100%

To accurately calculate the width of each div, you can utilize the calc function: width: calc(50% - 2px).

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