Is it frowned upon to modify Jquery Validation for the purpose of achieving a customized style?

When it comes to adding an icon after an input field when a required field is not filled up, my friend and I have different approaches.

My idea is to modify the highlight function in Jquery.Validation by adding a class to the parent element of the input (which happens to be a div) so that I can style it using a pseudo element.

On the other hand, my friend suggests adding a div after the input for styling purposes. He did mention, however, that using HTML elements solely for styling might not be the best practice.

Despite this, he also believes that making modifications to a library is not a good practice either. So, we are left wondering which approach would be more suitable.

Answer №1

Modifying a library is not recommended practice.

However, there are two effective approaches that can be taken. The jQuery validation plugin offers various options to customize behavior, indicating its flexibility and intended functionality.

To apply CSS styling options, define the valid and error classes in your stylesheet:

form.error {
    color: red;
    border: 1px solid red; // for illustration purposes only

form.valid {
    color: green;

If additional logic such as adding or moving elements is necessary, implement custom actions within the errorPlacement, highlight, and unhighlight functions:

    rules: {},
    messages: {},
    highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // add custom actions here
    unhighlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // add custom actions here
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        var alert = $("<div/>").addClass("alert alert-danger").insertAfter(element); 

As stated in the documentation:

errorPlacement determines where error labels are placed.
highlight defines how invalid fields are highlighted.
unhighlight specifies how to revert highlight actions.

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