Creating CSS wrappers around div elements of varying sizes

I am looking for a way to "wrap" different divs of varying sizes, similar to how Microsoft Word wraps text around an image. I have a simplified structure outlined below:

<div id = "div1"></div>
<div id = "div2"></div>
<div id = "bigdiv1"></div>
<div id = "div3"></div>
<div id = "div4"></div>
<div id = "div5"></div>
<div id = "div6"></div>
<div id = "div7"></div>
<div id = "div8"></div>
<div id = "div9"></div>
<div id = "div10"></div>

My goal is to achieve a layout that resembles this: . However, I want it to look more like this: . Simply using float left and right does not give me the desired result as I need multiple big divs to float with small divs in between without white spaces.

If anyone has a solution using Javascript and JQuery, that would be greatly appreciated. So far, I haven't found a satisfactory solution to achieve the layout I envision, and I'm hopeful that someone here can help me achieve my goal.

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve this, here are a couple of methods you can consider:

Utilizing CSS3 columns (though there is limited browser support). Take a look at Someone else's jsFiddle example

   -moz-column-width: 13em;
   -webkit-column-width: 13em;
   -moz-column-gap: 1em;
   -webkit-column-gap: 1em;

Another option is using the masonry library

   // options
   columnWidth: 200,
  itemSelector: '.item'

You could also modify your HTML structure to incorporate column divs

<div class="two-columns">
<div class="double-wide">
<div class="two-columns">

In my opinion, I suggest utilizing the masonry jQuery plugin for wider compatibility. Alternatively, you can opt for CSS3 columns if your target audience consists of modern browsers only (ie10 and above)

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