Is it feasible to create a tabbed layout that is responsive?

Would it be possible to create a layout like this and how would you go about doing it? The container has borders, except at the top where the tabs are located. Only the selected tab should have a border at the top. The text on the tabs should be centered, although left alignment is also acceptable. However, the text on the first tab must not begin before the image (there should be equal spacing on the left).

The current HTML code appears as follows but can be modified if necessary:

<section class="grid-100 grid-parent tabs">
            <li class="selected">Tab1</li>
    <article class="tab visible">content</article>
    <article class="tab">content</article>
    <article class="tab">content</article>

Answer №1

It is possible to create this layout, but you will need to provide your CSS code.

You may want to consider using Twitter Bootstrap, which allows you to incorporate tabbed content within a responsive framework.

In order to make this functionality work, some JavaScript will be required. You can achieve this by including "bootstrap.min.js" or simply adding the tab script on its own. Here is a direct link to the tab JS documentation:

Answer №2

If you're in need of a structured tabbed interface or an accordion, feel free to use the code provided here. Make sure to include your own CSS styling for the tabs. Alternatively, consider utilizing bootstrap tabs as suggested in this post. There are also other options such as foundation tabs and jQuery UI tabs. For a high-quality responsive tab solution, check out Zozo Tabs which offers plenty of examples.



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