Combining all elements of my application into a single HTML, JS, and CSS file

My AngularJS app has a specific structure that includes different directories for each component:

|- src
|     |- app
|     |     |- index.html
|     |     |- index.js
|     |     |- userhome
|     |     |     |- userhome.html
|     |     |     |- userhome.js
|     |     |- management
|     |     |     |- management.html
|     |     |     |- management.js
|     |     |- social
|     |     |     |- social.html
|     |     |     |- social.js
|     |- assets
|- vendor
|- package.json

While there are more directories and js files, the main idea is to have each component in its own directory with an HTML page (loaded into index.html using ui-router) and a JS file containing Angular module, controllers, etc.

Now, I want to move my app to production by condensing it into just three files.

  • theproject.html
  • theproject.js
  • theproject.css

I've searched for a solution, particularly using Grunt, but haven't found any clear instructions on achieving this. Can anyone provide guidance or point me in the right direction?

Thank you!

Answer №2

It's unclear if there is a software solution, but achieving it without one is possible.

  • To simplify, combine .css files by copying them together in the same order they would be loaded. Consider inline styles to reduce latency further.
  • Dealing with JS files can be trickier. While merging all code into one file may work, avoid modifying default scripts. Concatenate onLoad functions and test thoroughly before implementation. Inlining code could also be an option.
  • The most challenging files in terms of network usage are usually the html files.
    • If preprocessing on the server side is necessary, consider exporting it to an API for better handling.
    • For static html, options include fetching HTML from an embedded json file or embedding all code in the main html file and loading it as needed. The latter approach is likely the most efficient.

Additional tips for improving load speed:

  • Minify and compress html, js, and css files.
  • Enable gzip compression.
  • Load non-essential data with a second request on your index page to expedite rendering. Inline necessary controller and css portions, fetch the rest later for quicker page rendering with just two network requests.

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