Is it beneficial to remove margins in CSS?

As I dive deeper into studying CSS and practicing my skills, I've encountered a common issue where the first element on top often requires margin or padding adjustments in certain browsers.

So, my question is: Is it considered good practice to use the following code in my CSS documents?

* {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  border: 0px;

I've seen conflicting opinions on this matter. Some claim that it enhances browser compatibility, while others argue that it can slow down rendering, especially on older systems.

EDIT: After some research, I found out about reset.css which serves a similar purpose to resetting * in CSS. I also stumbled upon normalize.css - could this be a better alternative for ensuring cross-browser compatibility?

EDIT2: Thank you for all the input. It seems like this topic is quite subjective and open to interpretation. The debate over how browsers render content will likely continue due to their differing approaches.

Answer №1

It's a subjective choice. * Reset, Normalize, and reset.css all aim to reset user agent styles, but the best one for you depends on your specific document(s).
* Some criticize reset.css for resetting everything, but it may not matter if your document is minimal.

Reset.css is commonly used, but could be excessive if you're not utilizing all the elements being reset.

Normalize offers a lighter alternative to reset, yet the same considerations apply.

Personally, I prefer using normalize.

Answer №2

Consider incorporating a reset.css file into your HTML code. You can find one to download or link to in YUI 2: Reset CSS.

This will help by providing default values for all elements, reducing the likelihood of inconsistencies between how different browsers display content.

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