iPhone 5 Internet Browser - charcoal matte .png with transparent background

When it comes to web design, I often rely on 24-bit transparent .png files. Recently, I was reviewing a website on an iPhone 5 and noticed that all my .png files had a black matte around them. However, when I checked the same website on an iPhone 4, everything looked fine. It's puzzling because I've been saving files the same way since 2007 - either using save-for-web from Photoshop or directly saving as .png files.

Could it be that mobile Safari is the new IE 6? Any ideas on what could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

After conducting further research and testing multiple iPhone5 devices, I discovered that the issue lies with the color profile when saving images from Photoshop.

By assigning a color profile (sRGB or colormatch), I was able to resolve the problem and ensure the images displayed correctly. It's unusual for me to encounter this issue as I typically use sRGB for all my images.

Although it is puzzling that the color profile wasn't included initially, I now have a better understanding of the issue and hope this information can assist others facing similar challenges.

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