Ionic Framework: Eliminating the tiny 1px vertical scroll glitch for single-line content

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I noticed that my page content is not filling up the entire space, even though it's just one line of text. There seems to be a 1px vertical scroll present, and the same problem occurs with the content in the side menu. I've searched through the Ionic forum and Google, but couldn't find any helpful information on how to resolve this.

Does anyone know of a solution for this?

Answer №1

When using Ionic scroll views on iOS, they have a tendency to "bounce" even if the content is not long enough to require scrolling. To prevent this behavior, you can simply add has-bouncing="false" to the <ion-content> element. For more information, check out the official documentation here:

Answer №2

Did you attempt to search for how to turn off vertical scrolling on Google? A lot of solutions can be found there.

Try adding this code: overflow-y: hidden; // to hide the vertical scrollbar

Also, consider using this code: overflow-x: hidden; // to hide the horizontal scrollbar

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